
Workshop | 06 September 2022

Cooperation for Resilience in Urban Centres
Supporting the ASEAN-Germany Development Partnership

Thematic Capacity Development Workshop: Insights into Mainstreaming and Financing Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Centres – Examples addressing Risks from Urban Heat and Flooding
Online Workshop | 6 September 2022


The workshop aims to discuss strategies to facilitate the mainstreaming and financing of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in ASEAN cities and its integration into urban planning. It gives a particular focus to the risks of urban heat and flooding, which were identified by IPCC’s Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) as two of the key risks for urban areas in the ASEAN region and were given particular attention in the Scoping Paper on Urban Resilience. The workshop intends to contribute to the understanding of approaches to increase urban resilience in ASEAN in light of these risks. It will also contribute to sharing and sensitizing for inter-level good practices related to urban resilience. Therefore, the workshop comprises dedicated training elements and good practice exchanges focused on mainstreaming and financing DRR and urban planning in the ASEAN urban context. It will include expert input and case studies from Germany and the AMS and will be tailored to the ASEAN context.


  1. Strengthen the understanding of urban heat and flood risk in ASEAN and interventions to reduce the risks, in view of emerging discussions around the topic and considering the ASEAN policy context;
  2. Provide clearer picture of the opportunities and challenges of mainstreaming DRR into urban planning and instruments for financing;
  3. Learn about hand-on best practices in DRR and urban planning from ASEAN and Europe